Welcome to our UniversityWelcome to Volgograd State Medical University!Founded in 1935, Volgograd State Medical University is among the 10 best medical universities in Russia with a long tradition of training doctors. In 2020 the University is celebrating its 85th Anniversary. Our Professors are well-known not only in Russia, but in the whole world due to their significant contribution to the development of practical and functional medicine. Since 1962 international students have studied at our University. Today more than 4500 specialists with VSMU degrees work in 127 countries of the world. Among our famous alumnis are: Dr. Jiri Mashtalka, Member of the European Parliament; Prof. Tolno Sandy Kola, Chief Cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of Guinea, Representative of Guinea to the WHO; Dr. Najirul Amin, Member of the Tamil Nadu State Parliament in India; and Dr. Calvin, Member of the Sarawak State Parliament in Malaysia. Full text... Download a presentation of the Volgograd State Medical University (pdf) Site NewsMore than 170 students from India, Palestine, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Morocco, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Georgia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran and Vietnam tested their knowledge of the Russian language and became participants of the international action. The annual educational campaign "Total Dictation", which has been in existence since March 2004, attracts more and more people who want to take part in it every year. Since 2016, the project has expanded, and a new direction has appeared in it – the "TruD" test, created for those who study Russian as a foreign language. The main goal of the organizers is " ... to show that being literate is important for every person. Convince them that learning Russian is not easy, but it is exciting and useful. Unite all those who can or want to write and speak Russian." Read more... 14.04.21 11:17; Rubric: Жизнь ВолгГМУ; Department: Кафедра русского языка и социально-культурной адаптации AccessMedicine is a platform that has earned great recognition in the leading universities of the world and has become relevant in the context of remote training of foreign students in Russia. It includes an extensive library of books distributed across clinical and preclinical disciplines. Access Medicine resources include more than 700 video and audio teaching materials, more than 10,000 hours of video instructions, and more than 400 clinical cases. AccessMedicine is a comprehensive online medical resource that provides a full range of knowledge from the best minds in medicine. No matter where your students are located, the AccessMedicine platform provides an opportunity for a comprehensive implementation of distance learning. It contains training courses for medical students, residents, nurses, paramedics, and medical practitioners. Read more... In March 2021, the next online meeting of the Youth Gynecological Student Club (The 2 Journal Club) of the College of Medicine and Medical Sciences of the University of the United Arab Emirates was held on the topic: «The impact of menstrual disorders on women's life expectancy» under the direction of Professor Moamar-El-Jefout. For the first time in the meeting of the club, the speakers were students of the 5th and 6th year of the Faculty of Medicine of the Volgograd State Medical University: Chowgule Sharvin Pritham and Amulya Rana. Totally 190 people from 5 countries took part in the conference. The conference was held in English. Preparation for this event took 1,5 months, during which students and their supervisors repeatedly met in an online conference to discuss the article and create a presentation. Read more... Site Map |
For StaffContactsFederal State Government-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education «Volgograd State Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd, Russian Federation, 400131 Telephone number: +7 (8442) 38-50-05 Foreign Department: +7 (8442) 38-30-18 Email: international@volgmed.ru http://www.volgmed.ru post@volgmed.ru |